Additional strobe settings in custom controls

i am using photon 2 business in our school environment. We have problems configuring fixtures using the same channel for strobe AND custom control. An example is described here: Custom control Slider Problem - #5 by Fabus

For Example Strobe is channel 3
0-4 Open
6-9 Closed
10-99 random strobe
100-255 normal strobe

i’ve tested configuring random strobe under custom control, also adding a button called “no function” sending value 0 to channel 3. Even if i repress the button, it still overwrites the channel 3, so that it wont be possible to control the standard strobe on the main page.

it would be nice to prioritize the controls on the main page or add a button to forget the value on custom controls.

Best regards
Mathias from Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium in Germany

Yes unfortunately we don’t have this option to prioritize the custom control or the strobe.
If you have 2 differents controls on the same canal, the best way it is to manage all with the customs controls and not the official strobe control. Or agree to use channel 3 only on a classic strobe.