ADJ Airstream Bridge with Photon 2?

ADJ updated the bridge to work in sACN mode. I’m having trouble trying to connect the bridge to Photon 2 on iOS. Any suggestions?


What is your problem ? Do you try to specify the IP Address of sACN receptor in Photon settings ?

How is that done? I’m not seeing an option for that.

I have sACN selected. The network address shows a green checkmark next to it. If I click on it nothing happens. I have the lights working fine in the Airstream Pro app using sACN.

Ok, correction. After some trial and error it’s definitely communicating with my lights. The selection of the lights in the menu aren’t really making sense to me though. I selected ADJ Micro Wash which I have and they aren’t responding. But in other setups they are.

But the app is SUPER confusing. I can’t seem to just select per channel what I want to do like in the light user manuals. It’s always connecting to other things. And I can’t seem to get a basic dimmer happening for the life of me. All I seem able to do is get different light modes happening. The stage left and stage right thing makes zero sense to me for my use.