Compatibility with OS 17


Do we know if it’s stable if it’s running on OS17? I need to purchase a new iPad which will come preloaded with 17 so it’s not an option to stay on 16 for me.

What’s the official line from the developers on this?


Hello @browny0099

Photon works well on iOS17. You can buy your iPad and enjoy the app :star_struck:

To find out more about our users and optimize/test Photon accordingly, which iPad did you buy?

Brilliant! I’ve purchased a 6th gen iPad pro 12.9 screen. It was a nice surprise to find that the bigger screen provides more tile space in the live dash board. I had room for 91 tiles on my old 11 inch iPad pro (which I completely filled up) but on the new iPad that’s more increased to 135!

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17 has had fewer crashes for me in live mode, I think.