Cues in the future?

Hello! I’ve been exploring a bunch of control surfaces for DMX using ios. I came across photon 2, and finally got it to work. The default patch at least for me in demo mode defaulted to channel 64, and i didn’t see that, so I couldn’t even make it work. Why not start at channel 1? You might get some more users that way. Maybe i messed something up and didn’t know it.

I’m writing to ask a question about cues. Are cue lists in the future of photon 2? That’s an important feature to me. I appreciate your pricing model and might be willing to pick this up if I had an idea if that might be a part of the future of this app.

Thank you!


Hey Owen !
Welcome to the Photon community.

Sorry but I didn’t fully understand your remark about this patching thing. By default Photon is locked to the first 16 channels and the address starts at the first channel (not at 64).

There are “cue lists” or rather cue sequences, we call them sequences and it is possible to make them by pressing the + at the top right of the screen.

I don’t know if I answer very well to your interrogation but I hope it could help you.

Don’t worry about the channel 64 thing. I kept getting an error when i first tried to patch my fixtures that there were overlapping addresses. I must have tapped something by accident.

I think your sequences are more designed to be for effects. Is it possible to manually step through them or have 200 steps? I will have to explore, but I am more interesting using this functionality for theater productions. That would involve having a list of cues that you could press “go” for that would launch the next cue. I will play with sequences some more, but I don’t think that is what I am looking for. I will also see if I can find a good example video.

Excited to be using Photon more!

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