Feature Request - Ability To Rearrange Groups (3/28/2023)

Hello, I have a simple feature request. Please add a way to rearrange the groups. I have a lot of groups and when I add a new light and create a new group it puts it as the last one and to move it toward the top I have to delete all groups above and remake them again which is very frustrating.


This would be really useful. I have the same issue, be nice to sort the groups into a logical order.

Good idea
We will study about this
I have this feature request toi since I migrated my lighting stand


I think the most elegant and intuitive way to implement this would be to allow a user to long-press on a group, which then becomes “movable” among the others. This would mirror the iOS method of moving apps on the Home Screen.

Also interested !
When a new light comes it would be great to put it ´in the right place ´

I tried to delete and recreate but you lost all… so …