Help Creating a Chauvet Intimidator Spot 110

Can someone help me get a correct config for this light?

Hi ! Can you send us the manual of this device ? We could try to add it to the Photon library.

Having a lot of troubles with this as well. 6 Chanel manual attached

12 channel

I can’t get this fixture to do anything with custom

I can use another fixture that’s close (intimidator spot 160) but only pan and tilt work. Unable to change or set the colors.

I have verified that the iPad and eDMX1 are communicating. At this point I’m not sure what else to try.

Any one have any ideas what to try?

Looks like you only have channels 1,2,3 and 5. You need to have all 6 channels.

Thank you for the suggestion.

I have tried to add the other channels but still have no luck getting any movement from the fixture.

I can’t believe this should be this difficult.

If I use the same interface with the “lightKey” software installed on a Mac it works flawlessly. Both 6 and 12 Channel but that’s not an option for this site. It has to work on an iPad. So I’m assuming both the fixture and interface are working properly.

If anyone has a working profile for this light in Photon 2 and this DMX king interface I’ll venmo/cashapp/zelle you US$100 if it tests out.