I can't get the software to work

I just bought an artnet box to dmx and a router to configure everything, unfortunately, once everything is configured, nothing happens, could you give me the cause?

je viens d’acheter un boitier artnet vers dmx et un router pour tout configurer, malheureusement, une fois tout paramétrer, rien ne se passe, sauriez vous me donner la cause ?

Si les photos ne s’affichent pas, je peuxvous les envoyer par mail en m’écrivant à l’adresse suivante : mclnathan@icloud.com

Hello, do you have tried to multicast before unicast, do you know the ip address of the art net node ?

after several hours and tries, the connection is established and working, I am now missing the fixtures of my devices since they are not on the application, but nothing disturbing!

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Cool ! What was the problem ?
You can create your own fixture and share it with the community by swiping it in the app :wink:

Enjoy Photon !

I don’t have access to advanced controls when creating my own fixture

as much for me, I had not seen the functionality! why is the master value not saved during a preset? in my case, by varying the master, my dmx channels change, and by saving a preset if I don’t have the same master, I don’t have the desired preset

Hi !
Presets only save groups properties. It can’t save all the project master dimmer. You can set dimmers on each groups individually and save it in your preset.