Last light fails / issue

Hey All!

Have just started with Photon 2. I’m running 6 lights ( U King Pars ) and all is working great, loving it, BUT…

The last light in my chain, as in the last light in the DMX cableing is shutting off. If I hit the master blackout on then off, the light comes back on.

It does have a DMX Terminator.

The behaviour seems to be this - every so often, there appears to be a quick flash across all lights… as if the network is resetting / checking itself… That is when the last light loses connection / blacks out.

Changing presets or sequence doesn’t bring it back, all over lights work as they should. Master black out brings it back and it works until the flash happens again.

My Node IP is set to

I’m using ENTTEC ODE Mk3

Does this sound familiar? Any ideas?


Hello and welcome !
I’m sorry I don’t have any idea why this behavior happened.
I will recommend you a DMX terminator but you have one…
Maybe you should check if you are using DMX cables and not only XLR (it is not the same impedance).
Another way, when your are is the bug situation is to investigate by checking the DMX values sent by Photon and verify if there are valid.
To do that you can go on left bottom left hand corner of the app.

I hope it will help you to solve your issue.


Am using DMX Cables.

Photon is sending DMX via the DMX Display, even when the light blacks out.

Is it normal for all lights to flash every minute or so, almost as if it’s receiving some kind of “clock” “resetting” Its when that happens I lose the light in question.

I’ll do some more trouble shooting this weekend.


When you active the blackout, only the dimmer channels (or colors) power off, not all devices channels.

No, it is not normal… photon doesn’t send clock. maybe you have a strobe signal or a wrong channel value.

Let’s keep us in touch after this weekend !

Just a thought…have you double-checked that the number of channels set on all your lighting fixtures match what you have set up in Photon—i.e. are all the lights set for 9 or 11 channel mode or however many channels you are sending from Photon? I’ve gotten some weird behavior like that when even one light in a chain has some settings that are only a little off.

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Hey Guys!

So i’ve done a whole heap of trouble shooting and still having the issue.

Each light has 7 channels, addressed correctly in Photon and on lights.

I don’t know enough about routers, but i’m going to try a different router and see if this issue still occurs. It’s an older ASUS AC 1200 There is a distinct “Blink” across lights milliseconds before the last light blacks out. The “Blink” happens roughly every 90 / 120 seconds or so.

I’ve tried different liights, different DMX channels… It’s always the last light that blacks out.

I am also thinking of just deleting all my custom fixtures and starting fresh…

Open to any ideas also!

WIll keep you posted.

Well after all that, I borrowed a couple lights from a friend and the behaviour dissapears. I have 2 lights heading to the bin.

The lights still “Blink”, which bugs me… It doesn’t seem right. I’ve also noticed the DMX address on two of my lights are flashing when DMX cables connected, they still operate / do what they should but seems odd.

Have spent about 4 hours today trying to sort it out.

I’ve gone so far to use just one light and test all the cables i have, the “blink” happens no matter what.

But it doesn’t happen with my MacBook / Enttec EMU / USB DMX setup… Which leads me to believe it has to be something with the ethernet setup.

It doesn’t appear to be a Photon bug.

Will keep digging.


For anyone interested, turns out it was an Enttec ODE setting…

Enttec were great, fast responsive support.

Basically the ODE was by default set to have RDM on… They told me to turn that off… And the light blacking out does not happen now.

I still have a very minor bug, a random flicker every now and then…

But as far as Photon goes, it’s all great.