Lixada moving head wash

I seem to be having issues with this fixture it’s only strobing and the color wheel is showing wrong colors but still strobing. Only thing that works perfect is pan tilt. Is there something I am doing wrong. Also I tried to create a fixture but that did not work at all. Please help


Hey !
What kind of fixture exactly are you using ? Do you have the model name or a link to the documentation ?
I also have this Lixada moving heads and it works for me with Photon

If it is the same I think I can help you :wink:
Tell me more

I believe that is the same that would be awesome here is the link to the item.

Ok, I have the sames moving heads and it works for me. If you have set your devices at adresses :
1, 15, 29 and 43 you can try to import my Photon show a tell me if it works.
Photon (1 show).phos (67.3 KB)

If it works I will create a fixture for you then you can use it

I have another simpler idea.
I read the manual you sent. In Photon, do in the fixtures list. Then find the LIXADA manufacturer in the list, swipe “LED Mini Mooving Head Light” and select the duplication icon.
The editor will open and you can edit the fixture properties.
Then edit the “strobe fixture”, touch “+ OPEN/CLOSED” to add the shutter open/closed values.
Set OPEN : 134
Set CLOSED : 0

Then save the device, you will find it in the “My Custom Devices” manufacturer.
Then you have to add in your DMX mapping to address it.

Tell me if you understood what I said and if my solution works. It’s not very simple = S

It’s working better but I am not getting clean white or r led green or blue it’s a mixture of colors how can I use your show in my iPad it’s opening iTunes university

Cool if it works !
You have to disable white channel
Open the group and at the top right hand corner of the color wheel you will find the advanced color settings. Put the W slider to 0 :slight_smile:
I don’t know why it opens iTunes University :confused:

you are awesome works like a charm

Hahaha thank you very much !!
we work hard to improve Photon so thank you for leaving a message on the community website.
hope you like the app and if so do not hesitate to leave a 5 stars review on the app store because it can really help us to grow :wink:
Ses you soon maybe

One more question how can you reset the fixtures because when it’s doing multiple things it gets confused.


Oups, my Lixada never be confused, I don’t know… maybe you can edit again your fixture and a button custom control “reset on” for the value 160 on the channel 14 and “reset off” on value 0.
Then activate it in the group when you have a device problem.