Moving Heads Dynamic effects

I tried Photon2 for the 1st time last night. I’m impressed. I read on one of these forums that you are working on an even better Photon (Ver 3?) which will include dynamic effects.
When might we see that?

Hi Mike and welcome on the Photon community !
It makes us very happy to have positive feedback, it’s encouraging! If you want to help us to get known, don’t hesitate to put a nice review on the App Store :wink:

Currently, we are not working on a version 3. We are still working on v2 and we will soon integrate MIDI device control. This will allow Photon to be driven by a physical MIDI keyboard, a timecode software, a robot with MIDI outputs, Unity, parallel iPad app (like OnSong) or any other creative thing.

As far as effects are concerned, it won’t be for a while, we still have a lot of other features to integrate before (like button groups, multiple dashboards, etc…)
We have in mind in 2022 to add the effects, the tool evolves regularly thanks to the opinions and feedbacks of users. I hope we can integrate them quickly.


first of all, GREAT app! Unique and a user friendly UI.
i got a similair question as the topic starter.

i now use a combination of an old laptop with QLC, a Raspberry pi with OLA and a iPad with Touch OSC in my home club ;). i works fine most of the time but i miss some things. I really like the hue option of Photon en the layout is what i really like!

can you be more specific about the time line for edditing the dynamic effect options? I think it is the only option i miss in your fantastic app.

keep up the great work!
sorry for my english…

greetings from Holland.

I agree with you 100%.
I often use Chamsys MagicQ for bigger shows but needed something easier to operate for small clubs and DJ setups. Photon2 is perfect for that but I have been asked a number of times why there is no dynamic effects.
Can’t wait for them!

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Dynamics effects are a big priority but it represents a lot of work.

We will try to integrate the effects into Photon for the second half of 2022. I know that’s a bit far away but we have other priority requests to complete before then.

We will make a topic to ask you what kind of effects or application integration ideas you have. This will help us to meet your expectations.

Anyway thanks @M2210 , glad you like Photon ! Don’t hesitate to leave a review on the app store, it really helps us to have visibility on the store and it motivates us :slight_smile:


I asked about a timeline in another thread regarding effects.

So you planned on releasing it already in 2022. It’s 2024 so do you have an updated estimation. I don’t want to move to Luminair but soon I will have to due to the effects feature.

@Cclleemm for visibility.

Hi @mikaellavrell,
This integration create much more complexity that we though, this feature will not be available in in the next release of Photon v2. It is not plan for the moment.
We have given priority to other functions