Pricing structure

I’m exploring whether Photon is a program I want to use but can’t see what currency prices I’m looking at are and if this is an annual or flat price.

Hi !
We are happy that you are enjoying Photon. Don’t hesitate to send us a picture when you are using it :slight_smile:
The price is an unique purchase. It is not a subscription.

Thanks, it’s working really well

Very happy to know that it works great for you, don’t hesitate if you have any question :slight_smile:

Hi @Cclleemm and thanks for an amazing update, I really like the new look-and-feel of Photon2! Now that we start to have gigs, I am testing the move from Photon to Photon 2, and have a question regarding the pricing.

On the website, it shows 49.99 for the Pro, but in the App-store it is ca 100 usd. Is there a way to purchese out of app store (would love to pay it all to you instead of the store…). Is the limited time offer for the pro version out, or can you help me to get that rate? Is there an upgrade path from the old paid Photon version?

Thanks in advance,

Hey ! How are you ?
Can you try again, it must be at 49$, not 100$. I made a mistake with the configuration, sorry.
If it is always 100$ can you please send me a screenshot to help me to understand ?

Thank you very much for your interest for Photon ! I hope you will enjoy it and I would love have a picture/video of your gigs with Photon :star_struck:

Thank you, now it is all good. Bought and tested :slight_smile: thanks for your work with the new version!

Thank you very much for your support ! Enjoy and keep me in touch if you need help or if you have suggestions

I’m having the same problem…I’d like to purchase the pro version but it is showing as 99$ on the AppStore, not 49$ as advertised on your website. Is there a mistake on your website?

Hi and welcome !
The discount was available until October 10th. I just prolong the 49$ price until October 30th, you can enjoy Photon Pro :wink:

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Thanks for doing that, I’ve taken advantage of your offer :slight_smile: However, I am having some issues now with the software, if you have time please check my other post…



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