Public Relations needed


I have been using Photon2 for a few days in a row and I really like the software. It’s obvious that the app have a major feature gap between let’s say their biggest opponent. It’s pretty good but what’s the goal? Are we done yet or what’s coming to Photon2? What can we expect after the MIDI implementation? Is it just one person behind the app or a company? What’s the vision for the app? What’s the unique selling point? Do you want to compete with your biggest opponent or are you just looking for a niche?

For me, as a user, I want to know the next steps. It would be great if you could release a roadmap of upcoming features or stuff like that. That’s something a lot of people or organizations are missing - good public relations. Just publish it and update it every week or so.

Just post every freaking little bugfix. You probably think - I don’t care. But as a user you see movement.

If you need help setting up anything for that just contact me. But this is a MUST HAVE in 2021 app development.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi @Jonny,

We are 3 developers behind Photon 2.
We arrived on the app store a few years after our biggest competitor. We are trying to catch up on certain functionalities as we go along and we are taking a different approach. We are more event and music oriented while the latter seeks to cover the world of cinema. Of course we want to compete.
At this stage, we are consolidating this latest version. Our marketing campaign, the creation of efficient backends for the administration of the tool or the establishment of collaboration with manufacturers (such as Philips and Ableton) takes us a lot of time.
We’re trying to communicate through this forum but we don’t have a blog or anything like that yet.

For the rest, we will continue to work on communication around the product, user tutorials (documentation very often requested) and stability. For the documentation we want to create videos for each part of Photon (create a preset, create a sequence, configure a group…) and we want to include an online website documentation.

The next big feature will indeed be the addition of MIDI but obviously we need to work on the above points first.

Indeed we do not have the reflex to explain all the bug fixes. But for example this week we published a version which prevents some crashes of the app when we edit the presets too quickly. We also made the Ableton Link connector free. And we noticed a problem with the beat tracker (not yours…) and we fixed it. We regularly recess bug reports from this forum (as well as those reported by Apple tools) to correct them.

We try to build an accessible tool and to integrate the community as much as possible. Therefore, any help is welcome. If you are interested do not hesitate to tell me on which part you could contribute.

Thank you very much for your interest for Photon !

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Hi @Jonny !
As you asked us, we just published the beginning of our documentation. It will be improved with time but I hope it can already help you to use the app : Photon 2.2 and the embedded User Guide

Hi! It‘s interesting to know that three people work on Photon. If it‘s okay for you, I would be happy if you can answer the following points:

  • Is the work on Photon a full-time job for you or just a „hobby“?
  • Are you all friends that are interested in DMX lighting or „just“ colleagues?
  • When was Photon founded?

Like I said, if you don‘t want to answer to these questions (maybe they are to personal or something like that), it is no problem!