Shows disappear when closing app

I had been using photon for a few days and while there were crashes it still saved the shows. Recently if the app is closed or crashes when I open it back up the shows are no longer present and only the example shows is available. Attached is also a disk write error that started showing up.

This is the first time I’m eating that. This is an important bug…. If you could send us the full report it will be easier for us to understand how it appears. I hope you had a save of your show… sorry for inconvenance…

Hello @Jborn93,

I just activated upload file for IPS files

I’m not sure if this is the same error. If it would be logged elsewhere let me know. This currently happens every time I close photon from running in the background.

Photon.diskwrites_resource-2022-03-11-234835.ips (5.7 KB)


You seems to have a very huge database of projects
How many projects do you have ?
Do you have very big projects ?

I have backup projects saved to the files folder. Where does photon look for the project databases?

On mine and a friends iPad it seams that when the show is selected and deleted it is not removed from the database although it is removed from the shows page. This must have resulted in a lot of shows in my database even though I had deleted them from the shows page. Is there a limit to the total size of shows? Is there an option to store them locally? If there is a limit it might be nice to warn the user when they get close to the limit.

Shows are backed up in the private Photon directory every 5 seconds.

If you crash, Photon will restore a backup of 5 minutes before crash.

The shows page is the view of database.

If I check general, storage, photon the documents and data increase in size but don’t decrease when I delete a show but the show does not show up on the shows page. So it looks like I have a lot of shows but can’t view any of them.

How many storage do you use on Photon?

Currently it says I’m using 93MB total and 54MB for documents and data but no shows appear in the shows page.

I imported your phos, and I retrieve it when I exit and restart app.

I dumped my Photon folder, and I see what is eating the space, it’s the Inbox folder (temp dir which phos files are during the import) and tmp dir used by image library to resize icons

No disk/writes error, and in one hour, I read 99 Mo and write 10 Mo with your show, and a lot of other show posted here.

I suggest you to backup shows, and clean reinstall the app (you can retrieve in app with restore)
If you have participated to beta program, the database may be corrupted too by a beta

This is happening even with a new show that I create, the app does not save it upon reopening. I can try reinstalling later but there’s a few fixtures that I’ve shared that I want to make sure are posted before I lose the fixtures. Or is there a way to back those up?

No backup for device database

You can submit this and we will review it and allow publication

How long is the typical time before the device shows up? I submitted some devices and am waiting for publication before I reinstall my app.

I have validated the devices you submitted. Thanks a lot for your help anyway and sorry for the validation time. Please check that everything is OK ?

This happened to me also.

I had a full show and the band was about to take the stage to a packed theater. Then Photon crashed and when I opened it all my shows were gone, and devices gone.

I am not happy. Hours of work gone. But worse, a ruined music event. Please tell me there is a fix for this.