WiFi deviceocal Router Germany

Hi guys,

Sadly i am really Not a pro regarding what device to use.

Can anyone help me with a cheap WiFi dmx device which can handle Photon 2? I have WiFi at home which i would like to use with My ipad. I use eurolite moving heads and with dmx cable and maybe wireless dmx connectors in future. Also i would like to connect with Philips hue lights.

I live in Germany.



I use one but it was created at one time by a very small company that I can’t find on the internet, so I’m not sure I can tell you where to buy it. Maybe other people will have an idea…

If not, you can build one with a raspberry pi, an Arduino or an ESP if you’re a geek, and it won’t cost you much: Art-Net to DMX512 with ESP8266 | Robert Oostenveld’s blog

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Hi Thanks!

Would this device also work?


It seems to work but I don’t know how the device is powered. There is no power input and I don’t know if the fixture can deliver electricity through the DMX port.
Moreover there is not very good reviews

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Soooo i ordered this device. Also the moving head on the air2dmx device works because on Boot it sends some random Signals and the heads turn with it.

I Set the device on Router Mode have a connection with device. Other Apps on playstore finds the device as artnet but i did Not connect it with them.
Universe is Set to 1 on both air2dmx and Photon.
Chanel is Set both to 1
IP address is matching in unicast
10 Channel enable on moving head

Btw. Philips hue connection works.

Okayyyy i finally did it. I played with channels a bit and also tried Differential Universe (Photon 0 Universe, air2dmx 1 Universe etc.) and somehow IT worked now.

Hope you guys also can Get it to work :wink:

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I use an old Wi-Fi router, a Chauvet DMX-an2, and Chauvet DiFi plugs. Works reliably for wireless control of all our band lights.