Custom control Slider Problem

I have created some color control extensions with the Custom control Slider but if I use the control the color palette on the main screen of the Group I created no longer works. How do I resolve?

Hi !
The colors must be controlled by the color wheel, so if in your fixture you have a custom slider that also controls the color channel then it will keep the control (it will override the wheel).
I advise not to integrate a custom slider to control the colors but only the color property.
I hope my explanations are clear.

in the same channel for different range zones there are different functions so if I check the colors manually I lose the rest of the automatic functions and this makes the software less flexible

Ok I understand. unfortunately for the moment you have to choose if you prefer use a custom control (and enjoy functions and colors) or only the color wheel. I agree with you that is not the best…

I was referring to the old version, this new one brings the same problem of the custom control, and does not allow you to save fixtures, i can’t tidy up the addition of the fuction that are on the front, and sequences with halved beats or quarter beats in random mode don’t go in time, the custom control buttons have no background images and no color but there is only the reference text which is sometimes also illegible, on the other hand it is a little more performing ,I think it can be improved

Hi @Fabus !
When you are speaking about « the old version », you though Photon 1 ? Or are you thinking since iOS 16 update ?
We will check for this bugs, some of them are known because is some features we have not develop but others appear to be bugs…
Thanks for your feedback

I had photon 1 but it gave me too much trouble and slowed down a lot but I asked for a refund and bought the 2 thinking it was better, and actually crashes less and is more performant but some problems remained, 2 is better organized especially the sequences even if I’m limited to 128 channels it’s already enough for me. Version 1 on this community is not supported from version ios 13 onwards. I have ios 16 and I don’t understand why 1 is present in the store

The version 1 is present for those who bought it few years ago. It is also here for people who have old iPad. If you have iOS16 it is better to buy the version 2, we made and we continue to make improvements.