MIDI Channels And Photon2

I noticed today that Photon2 seems to respond to the MIDI Note messages irrespective of which MIDI Chanel they are on… is this correct?

I am using MIDI to control other devices and had set aside MIDI chan 16 for Photon2 light control only. I had note messages on Chan1 that were triggering lights.


They are looking at implementing MIDI channel control, and as responsive as these guys are to app feedback/requests I have no doubt they will make it happen. Has been great working with such a responsive development team.


I vote for this too, a MiDI channel filter would be great.

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BTW, and I just thought of this last week. All of my other MIDI devices do use MIDI channel filters, so even if I send Photon a Midi number that is currently in use on another device, it will ignore it because it does filter, and this message is on the Photon channel. Should work like a charm,but haven’t tested yet.

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I use MidiFlow app on my iPad to direct all MIDI traffic (thus immune to the limitations of any one device)