Live dashboard bigger

Is it possible to Make the live dashboard bigger? To scroll down ….?

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No, unfortunately it is not possible at the moment. But there is already a feature request for this.

Thank you , hopefully it will be in the next update.



We already note this feature request
We study about this and the best method to implement multi pages

What do you prefer ?
Scrolling as the group page or multi paging as iOS springboard ?

I would prefer Springboard / Home Screen, like on the DMX monitor category. I think it is easier to organize and to keep the structure. Furthermore, I think that there coule be problems with faders and scrolling, that happens an action I do not want.

I prefer to scroll down ,
I think this is just in the style (philosophy) of the app.
I look forward to the update



Scroll down would be great. Looking forward to the expanded MIDI control this should afford me.