Live dashboard bigger

Is it possible to Make the live dashboard bigger? To scroll down ….?

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No, unfortunately it is not possible at the moment. But there is already a feature request for this.

Thank you , hopefully it will be in the next update.



We already note this feature request
We study about this and the best method to implement multi pages

What do you prefer ?
Scrolling as the group page or multi paging as iOS springboard ?

I would prefer Springboard / Home Screen, like on the DMX monitor category. I think it is easier to organize and to keep the structure. Furthermore, I think that there coule be problems with faders and scrolling, that happens an action I do not want.

I prefer to scroll down ,
I think this is just in the style (philosophy) of the app.
I look forward to the update



Scroll down would be great. Looking forward to the expanded MIDI control this should afford me.

Just checking in. Has there been any progress on this? It is quite limiting with the current space.

Yes the beta version was just released last week : Ready to test beta version with multi pages!

It will be possible to create multiple dashboard soon

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